Sunday, November 17, 2013

just thought i would say, in case you want some suggestions or whatever. you may or may not be able to find all of these books in the library, seeing as i found some in my dad's bookshelf at home and are pretty old, i think. oh yeah, if they are marked with a * it means i have not yet finished them. if they are marked with two * it means i have not yet started, but the book sounds interesting.
  • Sherlock Holmes (A. Conan Doyle)*
  • Tales from Shakespeare (Charles and Mary Lamb, but i bet i would like the actual Shakespeare too, i may or may not understand it-- but i would sure love to give it a try)*
  • Heroes of Olympus -- series (Rick Riordan)* -obviously since it isn't even finished
  • Kane Chronicles-- series  (Rick Riordan)*
  •  Listening for Lucca (Suzanne LaFleur)*
  • The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)* -i am on Catching Fire, finished the first book
so i will add more to the list, probably. but that's all for today! :)

one of my favorite quotes

Friday, November 15, 2013

this is pretty irrelevant to what i have been posting, but i am also a little obsessed with One Direction.
i really like the movie diaries. these ones are the ones i have seen, also the one where they are in the gym. but anyway, i just thought i should share that. and if it weren't for one of my very bestest friends, (and you know who you are) i honestly would never have even given 1D a second thought. without her (the friend i mean) i would miss out on a lot of stuff. like i never would've finished the Percy Jackson series, let alone Heroes of Olympus.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

does anyone else find it hard to imagine that Luke would turn evil? but i guess he did turn good again... right before he died.
if you see a picture that you drew, i want you to know that (obviously) it means that i think the drawing is really good. i will say when (if) i post something that i drew. i really like viria a lot, great drawings!

Friday, November 8, 2013

gleeson hedge

hi! this is my first post and i'm just seeing how to do this!
i am a HUGE heroes of olympus nerd so just thought you should know that this blog has lots of references to that, :P

coach hedge is one of my favorite satyrs, besides grover.